February 3, 2021The Next Generation - Featuring Colby Yurkiw

Their final year has been far from what they imagined, but it has united our Grade 12 students in spirit and resolve. We caught up with some of our future grads to hear what they had to say about overcoming challenging times and their hope for a brighter tomorrow. 

Featuring: Colby Yurkiw

How long have you been a student at Aberdeen Hall?

I have been a student at Aberdeen Hall for 8 years.

2020 has been a year of transition in many ways. How do you feel you’ve personally changed or grown over the last year?

The unexpected changes presented early in the year have certainly influenced a year of adjustments. Every day interactions such as learning and interacting with our peers became challenging but through innovation and hard work, we persevered. Personally, I have become increasingly independent and learned to utilize the resources available to me. Whether it’s practising mindfulness, going for walks, learning to cook, or developing a workout routine, 2020 has certainly been a year of personal growth and development.

What changes have you seen in society as a whole that you think are a result of the political and social upheaval we’ve experienced this year?

The United States presidential election in addition to the coronavirus has caused extreme social and political unrest. In regards to political upheaval, society has progressed in spreading awareness and dealing with systematic racism which has lingered for years. With new movements around the world, awareness has been spread, and as a result, society has sincerely benefited. Although many of these events have taken place in the United States, the changes made have influenced Canada greatly. In addition, society has had to deal with a situation that was unexpected and abnormal. The pandemic has caused social and political change, and called for extreme preventative measures to be put in place. Such measures cause inconvenience and unrest, and as a society, we must evaluate our behaviour and act in the best interest of not only ourselves.

How can we as a school ensure that we are doing all we can do to change and grow along with the changing times?

As a school, we have done an amazing job of addressing issues presented from the pandemic, as well as social and political issues. In addition to spreading knowledge and awareness on the current situation, the school should address students’ individual needs and continue to support them throughout. Every student has been affected differently by the events occurring around the world, and having support at school is crucial for academic success and mental stability.

What do you think are the major challenges the world will be facing over the next five years?

In the next five years, the world will be progressively recovering from the effect of the pandemic. Ideally, a vaccine will be something integrated into society, and the virus will be a thing of the past. Also, I believe the world will be progressing away from political and social unrest, and our lives will be rid of issues posed by laws, elections and pandemics.

Speaking of the future, what are your post-secondary plans?

I plan on pursuing either engineering, commerce or a dual degree which combines the two in my post-secondary education. I am undecided as to which university I will attend, although I have aspirations of attending Stanford University. In Canada, I am currently interested in UBC, Western and Waterloo. In addition to academics, I plan to play volleyball in post-secondary if possible, which will be a great progression from Team BC.

What are your career aspirations? How do you see yourself contributing to your community?

Although I am uncertain of what type of engineering I plan to pursue, longterm I aspire to own my own company. As a result, I will be able to effectively make necessary changes related to the environment, and innovate to create new systems and infrastructure. I plan on dedicating substantial efforts to reducing harm to the environment, as the negative effects of many companies are increasingly becoming permanent. As the effects of global warming continue to destroy our environment, I believe it is necessary for everyone to influence change no matter how big or small.

Do you have any words of wisdom for future AHPS grads?

To Aberdeen Hall’s future grads, I implore you to appreciate and take in every day of school until the end. Take every opportunity, and put yourself out there without worrying what others will think. Life is too short to please everyone, and your high school experience is something you will never forget. Continue leading our sports programs and developing our school into an even better place for learning, friendships and community. Do not take anything for granted.


AdmissionsApplications to Aberdeen Hall are accepted year round and are increasingly competitive.

At Aberdeen Hall, we seek to admit well-rounded students who choose to be at our school. We are looking for students who demonstrate leadership through academic performance, involvement in co-curricular activities and civic engagement. We care about our students and seek those who value education and are prepared to enrich our incredible school community.
