Mental health and wellness is an essential part of Aberdeen Hall’s school mission and by having a mental health and wellness clinician on campus, Aberdeen Hall is underscoring the importance of mental health as we support our students in living “meaningful and fulfilling lives as compassionate and contributing citizens.” 

Our School Counselling Department works with our Health and Wellness Committee to promote mental health through:

  • Practical programs and initiatives to support the mental well-being of students, faculty, and the school community. 
  • Cultivating a community that is supportive of mental health and wellness.
  • Specifically leading the faculty and students to be aware of mental health issues and encouraging the school community to support one another in working toward mental health and wellness. 

The Counselling Department also works directly with our students, providing mental health support both for students with IEPs that designate that the student receives counselling and for students that are referred by their Advisor, Homeroom Teacher, or School Principal for short term counseling on an as-needed basis. 

Short term counselling might focus on stress and anxiety reduction strategies, peer relationship strategies, study or academic stress management, and other discussions about mental health and wellness.  

If a student expresses interest in or the school counsellor feels that the student may benefit from more long-term counselling support, the school counsellor will refer to a community counsellor based on student needs.  

Mental Health Minute - A Monthly Update from our School Counsellors

Ms. Hanley and Ms. Kuyvenhoven are our School Counsellors here at Aberdeen Hall. They are excited to share with you each month what they have been working on with the students and faculty in regards to wellness. They will also provide tips or information around a variety of mental health topics for both parents and students. 

Junior School Student Support

If your child is in Kindergarten to Grade Five, you will be asked to sign the Informed Consent to Counselling on their behalf. The counsellor will share any information with you from the counselling sessions that will benefit the child’s overall well-being at school and at home.  

Middle School Student Support

If your child is in Grade Six to Eight (Middle School), you will be notified if your child  has asked to see the counsellor.  You will be informed of the content of the sessions if it would be in their best interest for you to know- eg. safety, goals specified by the student. 

High School Student Support

If your child is in Grade Nine to Twelve (High School), you will be informed of the content of the sessions if it would be in their best interest for you to know- eg. safety, goals specified by the student.  

AdmissionsApplications to Aberdeen Hall are accepted year round and are increasingly competitive.

At Aberdeen Hall, we seek to admit well-rounded students who choose to be at our school. We are looking for students who demonstrate leadership through academic performance, involvement in co-curricular activities and civic engagement. We care about our students and seek those who value education and are prepared to enrich our incredible school community.
