The school uniform is standardized to provide consistency of dress and a community within the school. Students must adhere to the dress requirements, which offer some latitude of choice.  An image of excellence and quality is paramount at all times. To that end, we are asking parents to assist us by ensuring their child is always neatly presented.

Most uniform items are purchased through the school’s uniform shop. It is important that students wear the uniform in its official style and parents endorse and support the uniform policy.

Our Uniform Shop is located on campus in the Athletics and Wellness Centre. New families will be booked a 30-minute uniform fitting appointment. 

2024 Uniform Shop Hours

The Uniform Shop, located in the Athletics and Wellness Centre, will be open for drop-ins as follows:

Tuesday morning 8:30-10:00am
Tuesday afternoon 2:30-4:00pm
Thursday afternoon 2:30-4:00pm

Book your uniform fitting HERE.*

*Note, you will have to register as a new user if you've never booked using this system. 

If you have any questions please contact Rachelle Couillard.

Uniform Resources

Size Chart - Cambridge Uniforms (Blazers, Skirts, Tunics, Pants, Shorts) - Password is AHP123
Size Chart (Champion Sweatshirt, Long and Short Sleeved Polos, Grad Cardigan, Sr. Gym Clothing items -Adidas Shorts, Adidas Pants, Sr. Gym Shirt)

Uniform Lookbook 

Junior School Uniform Order Form (K - Grade 5)
Senior School Uniform Order Form (Grade 6 -12)

For your convenience, if you need items throughout the year you may fill out an order form, include payment information and email it to [email protected]. Items will be delivered to Jr/Sr Reception and sent home with students.

Experienced Uniforms

Thanks to the generous donations by school families the Parent Guild has a large inventory of gently used uniform items. 
For questions or request, please text or phone Karen Quigley at 250-860-7147.

Cash or cheque only please.

Division Uniform Instruction

AdmissionsApplications to Aberdeen Hall are accepted year round and are increasingly competitive.

At Aberdeen Hall, we seek to admit well-rounded students who choose to be at our school. We are looking for students who demonstrate leadership through academic performance, involvement in co-curricular activities and civic engagement. We care about our students and seek those who value education and are prepared to enrich our incredible school community.
