Preschool Uniform

The school uniform for Preschool students consists of navy and white. Students may wear navy shorts or navy pants. As well, the girls may wear navy skorts or the school plaid tunic. Navy ankle socks are worn with pants and shorts and navy knee-high socks or tights are worn with skorts and tunics. In addition, they wear a white or navy top (which can be a crested polo shirt) with the option of wearing a school crested cardigan. Unless purchasing a crested item, all other items may be purchased from a store of your choice.

A substantial shoe is required for outdoor play, this may be the shoes worn to school, and runners are preferred. For class time, each child needs to have a pair of black indoor shoes that are lightweight and easy to put on. Rubber-soled, canvas slip-on runners are the best and will serve as "gym shoes" as well.  

A change of clothing, labeled in a plastic sealable bag can be kept at school. 


AdmissionsApplications to Aberdeen Hall are accepted year round and are increasingly competitive.

At Aberdeen Hall, we seek to admit well-rounded students who choose to be at our school. We are looking for students who demonstrate leadership through academic performance, involvement in co-curricular activities and civic engagement. We care about our students and seek those who value education and are prepared to enrich our incredible school community.
