November 3, 2023Mental Health Minute: October Wrap-Up

October 10th was World Mental Health Day. This year's theme was “mental health is a universal human right”. The purpose of this day is to increase knowledge, raise awareness and decrease stigma around conversations regarding mental health. This month, Ms. Hanley and Ms. K made this their main focus at Aberdeen Hall. 

To celebrate World Mental Health Day in the Middle School, advisory classes focused on decreasing the stigma and having real conversations about mental health. Together, they learned about the pillars of mental health and had discussions about sleep, stress, connection, and self-esteem. Students then had the opportunity to film their thoughts and advice, with the hopes it could be shared with classmates, and younger Aberdeen students. 

Over in the High School, Ms. Hanley and the Grade Reps spoke about mental health resources at the monthly assembly. They also put up posters that shared tips on dealing with stress and practicing self care as a part of their “Mental Health-o-ween” initiative. Ms. Hanley ran a World Mental Health Day Scavenger Hunt where advisories were tasked with working together to complete a variety of challenges that support their mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. 

Having conversations about Mental Health can be hard and scary for both parents and youth. Here are some tips on what to say to your young person if you are worried about their mental health or safety: 

  • Let them know you are concerned 
  • Speak openly and honestly so they know they can do the same
  • Acknowledge that opening up can be hard and scary 
  • Validate that whatever they are feeling is okay 
  • Reassure them that you are there for them 
  • Ask them what they need from you (they may not know and that’s okay)
  • They may not open up right away but it can be on ongoing conversation, it is okay to raise your concerns again 
  • Provide resources or offer to look into resources together
  • Speak about other trusted adults (GP, counsellor, teachers, etc.) that they can speak with as well 
  • Take care of yourself; remind yourself there is no such thing as a perfect parent 

If you need more tips or support around having this conversation with your young person feel free to reach out to our school counsellors. 

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