December 14, 2023Year-End Tax Benefits 2023

You might not know that our school is a registered charity. That’s right! Independent schools have charitable status which means that…

Whether you made a donation at our annual May gala, participated in Giving Tuesday, or visited our secure giving site this year, you’re eligible to receive a tax receipt. Check out our tax calculator to learn more about the benefits of your gift - you could see almost 50% back at tax time! If you have not had a chance to make your 2023 gift, click the link below before December 31st to maximize your 2023 tax benefits.

There's still time to give - click HERE to donate!

Considering a gift of securities?
This may be the year to do it.

As Canadians, we have enjoyed increased tax benefits when gifting publicly traded securities to charitable organizations, but beginning in January 2024 due to changes in the Federal Budget, a percentage of any capital gain on these donated securities will now be taxable and the donation tax credit could be cut in half.

*Sources: Proposed tax changes in Canada could stifle large charitable gifts - The Globe and Mail 6/29/23.
Minimum tax information & changes to AMT on CRA Website.

Talk to your Financial Advisor about whether a gift of securities this year would be in your best interest. To donate a gift of securities please contact Jennifer Galli prior to December 22.

We already know that Aberdeen Hall is unlike any other school in Kelowna, and it’s because of you! Our giving and generous community has made so much possible here and we thank you for your continued support and contributions.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss giving or the spirit of philanthropy at Aberdeen Hall, please connect with us, we would love to hear from you!

AdmissionsApplications to Aberdeen Hall are accepted year round and are increasingly competitive.

At Aberdeen Hall, we seek to admit well-rounded students who choose to be at our school. We are looking for students who demonstrate leadership through academic performance, involvement in co-curricular activities and civic engagement. We care about our students and seek those who value education and are prepared to enrich our incredible school community.
