August 26, 2020

Stage 2 Safe Return to Campus Plan

Stage 2 Safe Return to Campus Plan

We will be returning to campus Tuesday, September 8. Please read our Stage 2 Safe Return to Campus Plan as well as our FAQ documents.  ...

August 21, 2020

Covid-19 Update: A Message from the Head of School

Covid-19 Update: A Message from the Head of School

An update from Head of School, Chris Grieve. The Highlights: - Our Stage Two Safe Return to...

August 12, 2020

Return To School Date Remains September 8 For Aberdeen Hall Students.

Return To School Date Remains September 8 For Aberdeen Hall Students.

In light of Rob Fleming’s announcement from yesterday, I wanted to communicate to our community that we plan on having all students return to school on September 8 as scheduled.   The faculty and staff will be attending A...

June 15, 2020

Farewell, But Not Goodbye

Farewell, But Not Goodbye

It is very difficult to accurately describe the incredible impact of Mrs. Raye on Aberdeen Hall. Director of Development, Dean of Admissions and most recently, Principal of the Junior School, are just some of the prominent hats she wore while cont...

October 9, 2019

Alumni Updates - Jaeda Yurkiw

Alumni Updates - Jaeda Yurkiw

Tell us your Aberdeen Hall ‘story’. I was born in Winnipeg and moved to Summerland, BC when I was seven. My parents heard great things about Aberdeen Hall and wanted my brother and me to attend a school with ...

October 1, 2019

Alumni Updates - Matt McLaughlin

Alumni Updates - Matt McLaughlin

We're checking in with some of our 2019 Grads to see how they're adapting to their new, post-secondary lives.  Last year, 100% of our grads were accepted into post-secondary institutions, and for the next couple of weeks, we...

September 30, 2019

Be Kind, Be Well

Be Kind, Be Well

A Message from Head of School - Chris Grieve The emotional and psychological well being of students at Aberdeen Hall Preparatory School is of utmost importance, and the Board, faculty and staff are fully comm...

September 25, 2019

Alumni Updates - Axana Merckx

Alumni Updates - Axana Merckx

We're checking in with some of our 2019 Grads to see how they're adapting to their new, post-secondary lives.Last year, 100% of our grads were accepted into post-secondary institutions, and for the next couple of weeks, we'll be highlightin...

September 18, 2019

Alumni Updates - Sierra Kolodziej

Alumni Updates - Sierra Kolodziej

As we begin to settle into the routine of a new school year, we wanted to check in with some of our 2019 Grads to see how THEY are adapting to their new, post-secondary lives. Last year, 100% of our grads were accepted into post-secondary institut...

May 7, 2019

The Power Of Public Speaking

The Power Of Public Speaking

There is nothing more compelling than an excellent public speech.Over the course of the last two weeks, every student from Kindergarten to Grade 12 has prepared and presented a public speech, and I have had the distinct pleasure of observin...

AdmissionsApplications to Aberdeen Hall are accepted year round and are increasingly competitive.

At Aberdeen Hall, we seek to admit well-rounded students who choose to be at our school. We are looking for students who demonstrate leadership through academic performance, involvement in co-curricular activities and civic engagement. We care about our students and seek those who value education and are prepared to enrich our incredible school community.
